
Tutkimus: Kannabislääke auttaa MS-taudin spastisuudessa

Päivitys Tutkimukset-sivulle: uusi vaiheen III satunnaistettu kaksoissokkotutkimus, jossa tutkittiin kannabislääkkeen vaikutusta mm. MS-taudin spastisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin suun kautta otettavaa kannabisekstraktia.

MUltiple Sclerosis and Extract of Cannabis: results of the MUSEC trial.
Results: The rate of relief from muscle stiffness after 12 weeks was almost twice as high with CE [cannabis extract] than with placebo
Conclusion: The study met its primary objective to demonstrate the superiority of CE over placebo in the treatment of muscle stiffness in MS. This was supported by results for secondary efficacy variables. Adverse events in participants treated with CE were consistent with the known side effects of cannabinoids. No new safety concerns were observed.

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